[快報]音響界第一次!打破兩聲道與多聲道邊界!聽見,來自上帝的聲音-相信,你的聆聽Listen to believe



而在兩聲道逐漸飽和的市場與學術爭鳴的茫茫人海中,Perlisten Audio於2016年誕生於美國,於2021年進駐臺灣,是唯一橫跨兩聲道與多聲道系統顛覆設計的跨界品牌。不僅榮獲世界各家影音媒體如英國Hi-Fi News、美國Stereophile頂級評論;更為全球首獲THX DOMINUS認證的揚聲器品牌。

專為挑戰而生,讓不可能成為可能,Perlisten Audio的核心理念為「提供真實、自然、純淨,具有感染力的聲音」。整整四年跨越三大洲的研發製造;全球頂尖團隊投注在Hi-End音響業界多年的積累;結合航太材質與獨家專利技術,Perlisten Audio超越兩聲道與多聲道的疆界,顛覆聲波傳遞的規則,展開音響世界新革命,並因此被譽為「上帝之聲」。

「跨界—跨空間與時間」 創造聲響無限體驗

這次在2022 TAA音響展,Perlisten Audio將以「相信聆聽X無限體驗Unlimited」為主題,以「跨界—跨空間與時間」為概念,突破框架將品牌跨界極大化,同時滿足消費者多元的需求,創造你從未經歷的聲響體驗。

「跨空間」將調校出「還原真實」兩聲道系統,也將秘密展示「跨聲道」Perlisten Audio旗艦等級獨家「擁有智慧腦的超低音」,同時滿足兩聲道與劇院族群的視聽空間需求;除此之外,也將以落地喇叭及書架喇叭等多樣的兩聲道風格「跨型態」展示播放。「跨時間」將以不同時期錄音方法,展示黑膠、CD、串流音樂,多元的類比與數位技術播放型態;並「開啟未來」聲音新標準,以理性科學技術為根本,創造感性聆聽美學。

你可能會疑惑真的能夠以這一個新品牌創造如此豐富的體驗嗎?來一趟Perlisten Audio展房即可一探究竟。喇叭該如何調整?離牆距離、背波、皇帝位,太多因素要考慮,Perlisten Audio研發團隊結合太空科技、DPC指向性波導等多項專利,以及開創性的智能研發,不僅侷限一揮而就,也使Perlisten Audio揚聲器具備真正的全音域還原、無與倫比的動態,及音質音色的魅力表現。不論你的音樂品味、軟體的錄音風格、甚至是空間條件或聲道配置,都將點燃你的熱情,點亮你從未發現的聲音細節,以前所未有的方式聆聽,締造跨界且跨世代的全新指標。

相信聆聽X無限體驗Listen to Believe:Perlisten Audio

2022 TAA音響展V108展房 我們不見不散





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[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE Audio Grade:SC15 Prisma「數位串流前級擴大機」2022年最佳產品

As our recent reviews have attested, quality hifi is no longer just a metaphor for industrially sized separates and traditional passive speakers. Often our real world homes and listening preferences mean our systems need to blend into our surroundings, rather than compete with them.

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Mark Craven is blown away by the music and movie skills of Primare's luxuriously styled nine-channel AVR

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE Hifi Choice最佳推薦!NP5數位串流機帶給你黃金時間

Don’t be fooled by the small size and plain design, Primare’s new streaming bridge is a thing of sonic beauty says David Vivian

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE hi-fi+年度最佳推薦:I35 Prisma 兩聲道旗艦綜合擴大機

Primare is no stranger to the Hi-Fit Awards; in fact, last year, the company's R35 picked up our Phono Stage of the Year up to award. And the 135 integrated amplifier has been a constant recommendation since we first tested it in its basic guise. However, the modular amplifier was hiding an ace up its sleeve in the guise of its Prisma digital streaming platform.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE CD播放機的集體評測:來自瑞典的CD35是最後贏家!

As well as clean, minimalist design and meticulous build quality, Sweden’s Primare is all over the idea of modularity, a philosophy that invites system flexibility and, very Scandi this, internal harmony. For example, buy its flagship CD35 CD player and you can add its SM35 Prisma network player module at any point. There’s also the DD25 transport – essentially the CD35 sans DAC – to consider in a wider system context. Whichever way you cut it, all bases are covered.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE Sound&Vision給他五顆星!I15 Prisma 兩聲道精選綜合擴大機(帶數位串流)

Primare is a small audio component manufacturer in Sweden founded by an industrial designer from Denmark. The Malmö-based firm's quirky high-end electronics have found favor among in-the-know audiophiles for nearly thirty years. Recently, a new line of streaming-centric components was introduced that appear custom-made to broaden Primare's appeal, and if the entry-level Prisma I15 integrated amplifier/DAC ("streamplifier," as I like to call them) they've supplied us for review here is any indication, the move will succeed.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.8 美國Stereophile權威雜誌2024最佳推薦

Back in 1999, while reviewing the Wazoo integrated amplifier from Bow Technologies, I learned that its designer and company founder, Bo Christensen, had previously founded another audio company. That's how I discovered Primare. Over the years, various products from Primare have appeared at audio shows but never grabbed my attention. In a recent EISA press presentation, however, Primare showcased an eight-channel amplifier that did, given my interest in multichannel audio. I was glad to be able to attend.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.8 英國AV Forums推薦!Prime級別的八聲道後級

The Primare 35.8 has an unassuming profile. It’s simply a black box with an on/off switch, which is good start. But this is a glorious sounding amplifier. Movies and music are awash with fine detail, and superb imaging and depth of field. What’s more, music sources come off as almost tangible with a delightfully analogue quality for a Class D design. This is all a surprise. As a consumer, you must prepare to spend big on the best amplifiers for a dedicated home cinema room. But also remember that these are the components that will probably find a home in your AV room the longest duration. If you’re at the decision stage for purchasing eight (or sixteen) channels of unbridled power, we say don’t overlook the Primare 35.8.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.2 兩聲道後級評測,英國人這樣說⋯⋯

Primare is a brand which has been building and designing HiFi and AV equipment for over 30 years now and in that time they have built up a well established name which when I hear it always makes me think high fidelity music systems, having heard many of them over the years at various shows and demos they have always impressed me with their beautiful minimalist design but more importantly great sound so this will be my first review of one of their products and having just used the A35.2 to review the stunning Perlisten Audio R7t speakers it powered them effortlessly but I wanted to review this amplifier with my own speakers in situ the ProAc D2Rs.