[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.2 美國Stereophile權威雜誌2024最佳推薦

This hefty Danish amplifier uses what Primare calls their “proprietary UFPD2 analogue class-D amplification technology” to deliver 200Wpc into 8 ohms. According to the manufacturer, UFPD2 integrates the class-D output stage and the necessary low-pass filter, “making control with feedback much more immediate and accurate.” HR found that with his Magnepan .7 speakers, the A35.2 sounded very similar to the slightly more expensive Bel Canto Ref600M class-D monoblocks. He wrote that the A35.2 “gripped the Magnepans’ diaphragms with greater control and force than either the class-A Pass Labs XA25 or the all-tube, class-AB Rogue Stereo 100 (in Ultralinear mode). This control delivered a tauter, more rhythmic bass.” With Harbeth M30.2 speakers, HR found that the Primare’s high frequencies were “crisp and super-clear–but not luxuriant and engaging.” On the test bench, the Primare exceeded its specified powers, clipping at 225Wpc into 8 ohms and at 460Wpc into 4 ohms. (Vol.43 No.5 WWW)

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE PRE35 Prisma 美國Stereophile權威雜誌2024最佳推薦

Hygge might not be the first word that comes to mind when contemplating the Primare PRE35 Prisma preamplifier, but in Limhamn, Sweden, that is how Primare likes to describe their products. It means “cozy,” and it’s a very important concept in the Nordic countries, almost a way of life. Another term that appears in Primare’s product descriptions is lagom, which loosely translates as “not too little, not too much—just right.”

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE SP25 Prisma 「十一聲道環繞前級」榮獲EISA 2024-2025 劇院處理器 最佳產品獎

We are pleased to announce that Primare’s SP25 Prisma has been honoured by the Expert Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) with the Best Product 2024-2025 home theatre processor award. This is the third year in a row that a Primare home theatre model has been so honoured, joining the SP25 Prisma home cinema integrated amplifier and A35.8 eight channel fully bridgeable balanced input amplifier as EISA best product award winners.

[器評] PIXELGEN THX Interconnect系列線材:家庭娛樂系統不可或缺的一部分

儘管HDMI線材市場已經非常成熟,但購買時仍需仔細考慮各種因素。合理選擇HDMI線材,不僅能提升目前的戲院觀影體驗,也能為未來的設備升級提供保障。一款合適的HDMI線材,絕對會為您的家庭娛樂系統錦上添花。全球知名的高還原度聲音畫面認證、調校和相關技術公司THX正式宣布推出THX Interconnect系列線材,其中就包括支援HDMI 2.1b的HDMI產品,這是由加拿大Pixelgen品牌合作推出的。

[器評] 輸出功率如家常便飯 – 瑞典Primare A35.2 立體聲後級擴大機

在簡鍊、冷冽的斯堪地那維亞外觀下,Primare A35.2 立體聲後級擴大機暗藏的是充沛的功率與多元功能。A35.2 在 8 歐姆負載下可輸出充足的 200 瓦功率,當負載降至 4 歐姆,功率可倍增為 400 瓦,電流輸出能力十分強悍。

[器評] 搭載Dirac Live空間自動校正 – 瑞典Primare SP25 11聲道環繞解碼前級

Primare 旗下產品線十分完整,包括串流訊源、CD 唱盤、唱頭放大、前 / 後級擴大機、綜擴及劇院系統,一應俱全,這台 SP25 便是環繞解碼前級,具備 11 聲道輸出,搭配自家的 A35.8 八聲道後級擴大機,即可組成一套強悍的多聲道家庭劇院系統。

[器評] 模組化設計 – 瑞典Primare CD35 Prisma CD 串流播放器

家中收藏的 CD 捨不得淘汰,同時又希望能夠享受串流音樂播放的便利性嗎?那麼您可以留一這款來自瑞典 Primare 的 CD35 Prisma,是該品牌 35 系列產品當中唯一一款同時兼具 CD 播放以及串流音樂播放功能的機種。

[器評] 來自北歐的時尚選擇 – 瑞典Primare SPA25 Prisma 9.2 多聲道環繞擴大機 AV環繞擴大機

難道環繞擴大機只能選日系品牌嗎?那可不一定。Primare SPA25 的外觀時尚、簡練,具有北歐風格,有別於看起來都差不多的日系環繞擴大機,絕對能滿足對外形挑剔的你。當然,它的功能和性能也如同外型一樣出色。

[器評] 小巧又強大 – Primare I15 串流播放擴大機 網路串流擴大機

外型時尚洗鍊,I15 搭載自家 Prisma 串流播放技術,不僅可支援目前市場上最主流的串流服務平台與傳輸方式,並可提供多房間播放與控制,無論透過有線網路還是 Wi-Fi 無線網路,都可藉由 Prisma app 輕鬆操作,而且不論是 iOS 還是 Android 裝置,都能自由投放音樂至 I15,聆聽更不受限。

[器評] 不只是綜擴 – 瑞典Primare I25 Prisma 網路串流DAC擴大機 綜合擴大機

Primare I25 Prisma 中階網路串流綜合擴大機,100W 的驅動力,內建了 DAC,搭載了 DM35 數位類比轉換模組,具有 Chromecast 的多房播放功能,支援 AirPlay、藍牙傳輸、Roon Ready Spotify Connect,甚至支援語音控制,提供最佳的使用者體驗。聲音快速、乾淨、敏捷而且自然。外觀簡約設計,具現代感的金屬質。