[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE hi-fi+年度最佳推薦:I35 Prisma 兩聲道旗艦綜合擴大機

“If ever there was a product that exhibits the notion that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’ it’s the Primare I35 Prisma.”

Primare is no stranger to the Hi-Fit Awards; in fact, last year, the company’s R35 picked up our Phono Stage of the Year up to award. And the 135 integrated amplifier has been a constant recommendation since we first tested it in its basic guise. However, the modular amplifier was hiding an ace up its sleeve in the guise of its Prisma digital streaming platform.

The 150W per 135 was the first amplifier to use the company’s own UFPD 2 amplifier modules. UFPD stands for Ultra Fast Power Module; this Primare-designed Class D module has long provided instantaneous current delivery and extremely low distortion, but in its new UFPD 2 guise has more linear amplification across the entire audible bandwidth than previous modules. The modular nature of the amp means it can be just a line-level integrated design, can sport a high-grade DAC or the addition of DAC and the Prisma steaming module. These modules can be provided fitted at the time of purchase or supplied as an upgrade at a later date. There are also a number of different avenues to add the DAC/Prisma package depending on your system.
In our test, Alan Sircom said, “Adding both DAC and Prisma makes the 135 one of the most comprehensively specified integrated amplifiers out there at the moment. The DAC board alone adds four S/PDIF Toslink connectors and two coaxial RCA links, as well as USB input and S/PDIF/RCA output. But no AES/EBU link.” He added that. “set-up of Prisma is a breeze (at least for those net-savvy enough to have built their own home network).”
He continued by saying, “If ever there was a product that exhibits the notion that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’ it’s the Primare 135 Prisma.” Sonically, Alan felt it retains the classic Primare sound; “Tonally, the 135 Prisma is rich and satistying rather than bright and breezy, and yet it comes over as both energetic and dynamic sounding.” And he concluded by saying, “that insight into how we relate to streaming and how it changes our perception for the better will stay with me. Thanks!”

了解更多:瑞典PRIMARE hi-fi+年度最佳推薦 全文連結


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[音展] 2024 台北圓山TECA音響展 – 209展房特點回顧,奢華不奢侈的「參參交響」

愷銳的展房這次主打「買兩聲道,即送多聲道」的聖誕節回饋活動,主要展出上帝之聲Perlisten和M&K Sound兩大劇院喇叭品牌,現場購買Perlisten R5T (售價 33萬)主喇叭,即可免費獲得 M&K SOUND LCR950中置喇叭、M40T環繞喇叭、V10+主動式超低音,讓您用兩聲道預算輕鬆無痛升級多聲道系統,劇院迷們絕對不能錯過。

[快報] 上帝之聲加上音響家庭劇院之父:33萬實現奢華不奢侈的聆賞可能

Perlisten和M&K SOUND過去一直被視為遙不可及的兩大品牌,而這次的合作將打破消費者既定印象,讓使用者以可負擔的價格,買到奢華高品質的產品享受。不管你是還在觀望上帝之聲的PerlistenER準兩聲道迷,或是想為新房添購多聲道系統、抑或是想為家中系統升級添購。

[快報] 一次聽個夠!Perlisten全明星陣容4大影院亮相2024廣州國際音響唱片展


[快報] Perlisten Audio斬獲多項美國專利認證!

日前,Perlisten Audio LLC在其官網發佈了其開創性音訊技術獲得多項美國專利之訊息,主要包括「獨有的單體設計」、「先進的聲波導管」與「獨特的揚聲器箱體構造」等。Perlisten Audio LLC執行長兼總工程師Dan Roemer就表示:「這些創新使我們突破音訊效能的極限,並在業界樹立全新標準。」

[知識] 全新的感覺,下一次必定更好 Perlisten Audio A系列

Perlisten Audio是全球第一個取得THX最高等級Dominus認證的喇叭品牌,並推出了S和R兩個系列,它們都屬於高等級的喇叭,而為了照顧更多的消費者,Perlisten近期推出了價格更親民的A系列,但仍然堅持延續品牌核心設計,創造出更高的性價比,現在就來了解系列中的落地款式A4t

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