[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE SP25 Prisma 「十一聲道環繞前級」榮獲EISA 2024-2025 劇院處理器 最佳產品獎

We are pleased to announce that Primare’s SP25 Prisma has been honoured by the Expert Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) with the Best Product 2024-2025 home theatre processor award. This is the third year in a row that a Primare home theatre model has been so honoured, joining the SP25 Prisma home cinema integrated amplifier and A35.8 eight channel fully bridgeable balanced input amplifier as EISA best product award winners.

“An ideal partner for Primare’s EISA Award-winning A35.8 multichannel power amplifier, the SP25 Prisma processor caters to immersive audio systems up to 11.2 channels. Aided by Dirac Live room correction below 500Hz (upgradeable to full-bandwidth if desired), it creates convincing Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundscapes with smooth highs, effortless dialogue reproduction, precise effects placement and deep, impactful bass. Music-friendly features include Primare’s Prisma streaming/radio platform and a USB DAC input, giving this neatly styled unit ‘all-rounder’ status. App control, extensive speaker/input preset configuration and the SP25 Prisma’s luxurious styling complete a great addition to Primare’s home theatre stable.” EISA Official Award Citation

SP25 Prisma home cinema processor builds upon the strong foundation of the award winning SPA25 Prisma home cinema integrated amplifier, and like that model is designed for both cinephile and audiophile.

Like the SPA25 Prisma, the SP25 Prisma includes 4K dynamic video switching, eARC, Dirac Live, Roon Ready*, eleven channels of processing, and dual eight channel DAC chips allowing for a unique digital to analog conversion circuit allocating four channels of conversion when delivering signal to the pair of front left and right analog outputs that allow for bi-amping front left and right speakers to improve stereo performance.

Control and connectivity is provided by the Prisma music streaming and system control platform, and PRISMA remote capable of controlling virtually every Primare model, past and present, as well as any video display.

Where the SP25 Prisma is unique is in its power supply and preamplification circuit designed to deliver unparalleled reproduction of both music and movies.

A custom designed linear power supply provides low noise power specific to the needs of the individual stages of audio processing, digital to analog conversion, video switching, and streaming, with special attention paid to the preamplification circuitry.

The preamplification circuitry itself benefits from a rigorous design optimised to take the fullest advantage of a new ultra linear IC op amp in the shortest possible single-ended signal path to provide an ideal output signal to deliver the speed and detail to best partner our award winning A35.8 and A35.2 amplifiers.

The SP25 Prisma is informed by a carefully considered array of features and functionalities, continuing a Primare tradition of delivering astonishing performance from compact and elegant devices for easy installation into virtually any and every room of the house, allowing anyone in the household to effortlessly explore, share, discover and enjoy music and movies in all their richness and variety.

*by free future update

SP25 Prisma additional information:

About EISA

The Expert Imaging and Sound Association is a collaboration between, currently, 59 of the most respected international specialist CE magazines. These periodicals and websites deliver regular and independent technical reviews on new products and embrace the full sphere of consumer electronics. Member magazines now extend beyond Europe to over 30 countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and India, and contribute their experience to one or more of EISA’s six Expert Groups: Photography, Mobile Devices, Hi-Fi, Home Theatre Audio, Home Theatre Display & Video and In-Car Electronics.

Every year, the EISA Awards celebrate those new products that combine the most advanced technology and desirable features with class-leading performance. The EISA Awards extend from the most affordable, high-value products to the most aspirational expressions of modern consumer electronics. Award categories change from year to year, reflecting the evolution of product design and connectivity, but every EISA Award winner remains the very best in its class. The sheer strength in depth of EISA’s members ensures the EISA Awards logo carries tremendous weight with all informed consumers.

For more information: https://eisa.eu/


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