標籤存檔: 兩聲道後級

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.2 兩聲道後級評測,英國人這樣說⋯⋯

Primare is a brand which has been building and designing HiFi and AV equipment for over 30 years now and in that time they have built up a well established name which when I hear it always makes me think high fidelity music systems, having heard many of them over the years at various shows and demos they have always impressed me with their beautiful minimalist design but more importantly great sound so this will be my first review of one of their products and having just used the A35.2 to review the stunning Perlisten Audio R7t speakers it powered them effortlessly but I wanted to review this amplifier with my own speakers in situ the ProAc D2Rs.

[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE A35.2 美國Stereophile權威雜誌2024最佳推薦

This hefty Danish amplifier uses what Primare calls their “proprietary UFPD2 analogue class-D amplification technology” to deliver 200Wpc into 8 ohms. According to the manufacturer, UFPD2 integrates the class-D output stage and the necessary low-pass filter, “making control with feedback much more immediate and accurate.” HR found that with his Magnepan .7 speakers, the A35.2 sounded very similar to the slightly more expensive Bel Canto Ref600M class-D monoblocks. He wrote that the A35.2 “gripped the Magnepans’ diaphragms with greater control and force than either the class-A Pass Labs XA25 or the all-tube, class-AB Rogue Stereo 100 (in Ultralinear mode). This control delivered a tauter, more rhythmic bass.” With Harbeth M30.2 speakers, HR found that the Primare’s high frequencies were “crisp and super-clear–but not luxuriant and engaging.” On the test bench, the Primare exceeded its specified powers, clipping at 225Wpc into 8 ohms and at 460Wpc into 4 ohms. (Vol.43 No.5 WWW)

[器評] 輸出功率如家常便飯 – 瑞典Primare A35.2 立體聲後級擴大機

在簡鍊、冷冽的斯堪地那維亞外觀下,Primare A35.2 立體聲後級擴大機暗藏的是充沛的功率與多元功能。A35.2 在 8 歐姆負載下可輸出充足的 200 瓦功率,當負載降至 4 歐姆,功率可倍增為 400 瓦,電流輸出能力十分強悍。